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Walkerton & District Food Bank


The Walkerton Food Bank is in need of the following items:

Cake mixes and icing, school snacks, pasta, Sidekicks, shampoo.

Thanks for your ongoing support!!




The board of directors of the Walkerton and District Food Bank say THANK YOU to everyone for your support of the Food Bank. You are all special. THANK YOU for being the hands and feet of Our Lord. Each week the need is growing.


We thank all for the food and monetary gifts that you so generously donate. You can take items to the Food Bank on Thursdays between 9:00am – 4:00pm. Our Food Bank is open every Thursday 1:00~4:00pm. Clients are able to receive food twice a month. Emergency needs are always met. 


Most needed items are: Cereal, Kidney Beans, Black Beans, Mix Beans, Hamburger Helper, Canned Fruit, Cake Cookie and Muffin Mixes, Icing, Pasta, Side Kicks, Juice (Bottle or juice boxes), Shampoo, Tooth Brushes, Baby Whips, Laundry Soap, or anything that is on sale.


Let us share what God has gifted to us with, our community. 


“I was hungry and you gave me food" (Matthew 25:35).


Dorothy Frook

Chairperson on behalf of the Food Bank Board of Directors.



St. Lukes News!

A motion has been made and passed at the annual Vestry meeting to donate a total of $15,000 over the next 5 years to the Kincardine Hospital Foundation! 

Great work!

Congratulations to St. Thomas!

At their annual Vestry meeting, a motion was passed to continue to support a local student with University expenses to the amount of $600 a year!


Reaching Out to Help


In a wonderful gesture, St. Matthew’s ACW donated $500.00 to the Gaza Hospital Appeal made through PWRDF.

Great work!!

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